How Voice Search Can Skyrocket Your E-commerce Sales in 2024


In 2024 “Voice Search” is not a new phenomenon at all, as it is becoming increasingly popular among online shoppers particularly those who extensively use voice search assistants like Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant. According to a report by Juniper Research, voice-based ad revenue could reach $19 billion by 2022. Moreover, voice search assisted e-commerce is expected to grow to $40 billion by 2022 in the US alone.

Voice search is not only a faster, easier, and convenient but it also creates a more personalized shopping experience, as voice assistants can understand the context, intent, and preferences of the users.




But how can you leverage voice search to boost your e-commerce sales in 2024? Here are some tips and best practices that you can follow to optimize your e-commerce website for voice search and beat your competitors.


Advantages of voice search E-commerce SEO: Faster and Easier

Faster Response to Customer Queries:

Apart from the fact that it being easier than typing, Voice search considerably speeds up the searching process. It is a feature that provides faster and prompt responses for any of the customer’s questions or shows any e-commerce product customers are looking for. According to one research, voice searching is faster by 3.7 times than your average typing speed. Therefore, it is a better feature that makes both searching and display of results much faster than manually typing each letter on mobile or desktop.

Typing becomes tiresome when a lot of work needs to be done in a limited time. For instance, if you are making a shopping list for the next big purchase of yours on a black Friday sale day, speaking the items of your list out using an voice assistant like Siri would be far quicker and more handy than manually typing them all while creating your shopping list. In same way, Voice search assisted Ecommerce SEO tactics makes it possible for your customers to buy things more quickly and easily.

Beneficial for Local and Ecommerce SEO:

Most of the local businesses now-a-days are fully aware of the benefits of local and e-commerce SEO services which accurately target local shoppers. Local voice search optimization can be done to target specific locations you provide your services in. You can also align your business with your marketing strategy by using voice searches matching your target keywords. It is a fact that the majority of mobile voice search users look for local products or services using location keywords like “near me”.

By implementing this localized voice search feature and aligned e-commerce seo marketing strategy, your business will achieve next level leaving behind your unaware competitors.



No Hands Needed:

You may search the internet on-the-go and If you are driving then voice search techniques are quite useful as you do not have to wait until you get to your location to make purchases. This touchless aspect provides shoppers an additional comfort level when compared to traditional internet search alternatives.

You may easily place orders while driving without even using your hands. Therefore, Voice search is undoubtedly more convenient, particularly when individuals are preoccupied with other tasks and cannot fully use their hands by allowing them to multitask.


1. Use natural language and long-tail keywords

One of the main differences between voice search and text search is that voice search is more conversational and natural. People tend to use longer and more specific queries when they use voice search, such as “where can I buy a 42 inch LED TV near me” instead of “42 inch LED TV”.

Therefore, you need to use natural language and long-tail keywords while crafting your e-commerce SEO strategies for website content, page headings and sub-headings, product headline, product descriptions and meta tags. You can use some nice tools like AnswerThePublic or Google Keyword Planner to find out what kind of “questions” or “phrases” your target audience is actually using to find your products and services.

Extra Tip: You should also use schema markup to provide structured data to the search engines, such as product name, price, availability, rating, and reviews of each product. This will serve dual purposes i.e. help your website rank higher for voice search queries and also display rich snippets in the Google search results for each products or services.

2. Optimize for local and mobile searches

Another difference between voice search and text search is that voice search by nature is more likely to be local and mobile (remember the mobile users saying “near me” for their searches). According to Google, 58% of consumers have used voice search to find local business information in the last year. Moreover, 27% of the global online population is using voice search on their mobile phones.




Therefore, you need to optimize your e-commerce website for local and mobile searches through correct ecommerce SEO strategies. You can do this by:

  • The first important step is claiming and updating your Google My Business listing if you have not done so, which will help you show up in the Google local pack and Google Maps for voice search queries.
  • Use geo-targeted keywords or phrases, such as “near me”, “in [your city]”, or “near [your landmark]” in your website content and also meta tags.
  • Make your website mobile-friendly and responsive, which will improve the mobile user experience and loading speed for mobile users.
  • Implementing HTTPS (SSL certificates) for your website, which will enhance the security and trustworthiness of your website for mobile users. This is also a strong signal to Google that your site is secure and trustworthy.

3. Create voice search-friendly content

Another great way to optimize your e-commerce website for voice search is to create voice search-friendly content as part of your broader ecommerce SEO strategy. This is nothing but creating content such as FAQs that answers the common questions and pain points of your potential customers (be mindful of your local market sentiments), and provide them with correct and valuable information and bespoke solutions.

You can create voice search-friendly content by:

  • Creating a FAQ page or a dedicated section, which will provide quick and easy answers to the most frequently asked questions of your target customers about your products and services.
  • Writing blog posts, how-to guides, informative tutorials, or recent case studies, which can showcase your experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (popularly known as E-E-A-T) in your niche, and provide useful tips and insights to your target audience.
  • Using a natural conversational tone and voice, which can make your content seem more natural, engaging and relatable for voice search users. Be mindful of the local language of your customers.
  • Using short sentences and paragraphs, which can make your content easier to read and understand for voice search users. Always try to use humanized content.

4. Test and measure your voice search performance

The last tip to optimize your e-commerce website for voice search is to continuously test and measure your voice search performance and make implementations of your insights o areas of improvement. You need to track and analyze how your website or a particular page is performing for voice search queries, and what kind of results and feedback you are getting from voice search users for that.

As part of your ecommerce SEO strategy, you should test and measure your voice search performance by:

  • Using tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics (both are free tools provided by Google), which can help you monitor your voice search traffic, impressions, clicks, and subsequent conversions.
  • Using third-party tools like SEMrush or Moz, which will help you audit your voice search optimization, and also identify any issues or gaps in your website content and structure.
  • Asking for feedback directly from your voice search users, which can help you understand their needs, expectations, and also satisfaction levels.

By testing and measuring your voice search performance, you can find out what is working and what is not, and make the necessary adjustments and improvements to your e-commerce SEO strategy for the website.



Frequently Asked Questions

Why is voice search important for e-commerce in 2024?

Voice search has evolved into a must-have aspect for e-commerce businesses in 2024 due to its convenience, speed, and personalization. As more and more consumers are using smartphones, most of them are increasingly using voice search assistants like Siri and Alexa. Businesses need to optimize their online presence to meet the demands of increasing voice search users.


How does voice search impact the shopping experience?   

Voice search provides faster responses to customer search queries offering a more personalized interaction and correct products showcasing. Users quickly find products or services and make purchases, enhancing their overall satisfaction and convenience and thus their shopping experience.

What are the benefits of leveraging voice search for e-commerce SEO?   

Optimising your e-commerce website for voice search offers several advantages, including faster response times, improved local SEO, and enhanced accessibility for on-the-go shoppers. By aligning your SEO strategies with voice search trends, you can stay ahead of the competition and capture valuable leads.

How can businesses adapt their SEO strategies for voice search?   

Businesses can adapt their SEO strategies for voice search by using natural language and long-tail keywords, optimising for local and mobile searches, creating voice search-friendly content, and continuously testing and measuring performance. These proactive measures ensure that your website remains visible and relevant in the evolving landscape of voice search.

What role does content creation play in voice search optimisation?   

Content creation is instrumental in voice search optimisation as it allows businesses to provide informative and engaging answers to user queries. By creating FAQ pages, blog posts, and tutorials, businesses can address customer needs and establish themselves as trusted authorities in their niche, driving organic traffic and conversions.

How can businesses measure the effectiveness of their voice search optimisation efforts?   

Businesses can measure the effectiveness of their voice search optimisation efforts through tools like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and third-party SEO platforms. By tracking metrics such as traffic, impressions, and conversions, businesses can evaluate their performance and make data-driven decisions to refine their SEO strategies.


In 2024, Voice search is not a trend, but a reality. It is changing the way people search for and buy products online, and it is here to stay. If you want to stay ahead of the curve and boost your e-commerce sales in 2024, you need to optimize your e-commerce website for voice search.

By following the tips and best practices mentioned above, you can make your e-commerce website more voice search-friendly, and provide a better shopping experience for your customers.

If you need any help with your e-commerce SEO or voice search optimization, feel free to contact us. We are Aarav Infotech, an e-commerce SEO services provider. We can help you create and manage your e-commerce website, and optimize it for voice search and other SEO factors. We can also help you with content creation, marketing, and analytics.

We are your trusted partner Aarav Infotech, and we are here to help you grow your e-commerce business. Feel free choose any of our Ecommerce SEO packages or you can ask for a custom package as per your business needs.

Jitendra Raulo

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